Ditch the Sugar: Try Three Healthy Breakfasts Instead

Three Healthy Breakfast Ideas from Living Balance Wellness

Have you gotten used to reaching for sugary cereal and an OJ to start your day? Consider this:  your body can only handle approximately 1tsp. of sugar in the blood stream at any given time. Any more than that and you’re in trouble. One 12 ounce glass of OJ provides a whopping 8 teaspoons! So what happens? In a nutshell, the pancreas has to work on over-drive to produce enough insulin to regulate the amount of sugar entering the blood stream at any given time. The body interprets this constant demand on the pancreas as an internal stress and alerts your adrenals to get involved. Your adrenals are what produce the “fight or flight” hormone called cortisol to help your body deal with stress appropriately. In normal amounts, cortisol acts as an anti-inflammatory and natural pain reliever. The problem is, when this hormone is being produced on a consistent basis, and in high amounts, it has the reverse affect. It starts to cause inflammation and pain!  

Once you’ve started this cycle, it can be hard to get out of because your body starts to crave the very thing that is causing the stress response….SUGAR!   Do yourself a favor and cut out the sugar – that means carbohydrates folks. Try to eat more healthy proteins, fats, and low starch vegetables. In fact, give up the cereal for your morning breakfast all together and try replacing it with these instead:   

  1. High Protein Shake:
    • 8-10 ounces of Coconut Milk (found in the dairy section at Whole Foods) or Almond Milk
    • ½ avocado 
    • 4 ounces FAGE Greek yogurt (found in dairy section at Whole Foods – full fat please) 
    • 1 raw egg (organic free range) ….if your queasy about a raw egg, replace it with some almond butter – no peanut butter though!
    • 1/2tsp of stevia or xylitol 
    • Blend together!
  2. Free Range Eggs: Scramble, Soft Boil, or Fry Eggs, 2 cups Steamed Kale or Spinach, 1/2 Sliced Avocado
  3. Any of these other 9 Protein Shakes!

Be creative and try something different – just don’t go for that bagel with cream cheese, muffin with butter, or slice of toast and jam. 

Need ideas or help with your nutrition plan so you can start living your best life? I am a functional nutrition and wellness consultant based in Greater Boston – I’m available for in person or remote consultations. Reach out anytime.

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