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November 3, 2021

Hering’s Law of Cure is the basis of all healing.

This is the way the body heals or cures itself. Consider this: All cure starts from within out, from the head down and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared or been suppressed. We don’t catch diseases, we create them by breaking down the natural defenses according to the way we eat, drink, think and live.

The definition of Hering’s Law of Cure is as follows: “We heal from the head down, we heal from within out.”

This means we must allow the body to cleanse. In order for the body to eliminate toxins it must be allowed to do so by not suppressing any kind of discharge. Most over-the-counter medications and prescriptions do suppress discharges. This is not good as these toxins can go deeper into the body and create other weaknesses. The body must be allowed to cleanse itself in whatever manner it needs to without interruption by synthetic suppressive substances.

“We heal in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared or been suppressed”. This means that most of the time the last problem someone has is the first problem to be dealt with by the body in the reversal process. For instance, let’s say the last illness you had was a sinus infection and a suppressive medication was used to stop any sneezing, coughing, dripping nose or sinus drainage.
In order for the body to heal itself it must eliminate these toxins and mucous that were suppressed at this time. Since this was the last illness it is the easiest for the body to heal. The body may stimulate the Immune System to create a fever to burn out the toxins, the toxins may be eliminated through the Lungs or Bronchioles causing a large amount of phlegm to exit these areas, it might eliminate them through the skin causing breakouts or it could eliminate them through the Colon in which case mucous, old feces and food that hasn’t been eaten for quite a while may be eliminated. These are just a few ways the body heals itself.

Unfortunately, Hering’s Law of Cure is not used today in Orthodox medicine. Orthodox medicine generally believes that because the symptoms are suppressed the problem is cured, or by removing the organ, which is not functioning correctly, it can cure the problem. Perhaps this is why no one knows what a “cold” is today. A “cold” is the body’s way of eliminating toxins, which it does by increasing the mucous from the mucous membranes in order to free the toxins. Toxin elimination is imperative in order for the body to stay healthy. Disease reversal is also imperative in order for the body to “cure” a disease.

Things to consider with Hering’s Law of Cure:

• Symptoms of a chronic disease disappear in definite order, going in reverse and taking about one month for every year the symptoms have been present.
• Symptoms move from the more vital organs to the less vital organs; from the interior of the body towards the skin.
• Symptoms move from the top of the body downward.
• This means that before we can even begin to heal we must believe we can heal. We must be mentally prepared and strong in order to allow the body to heal. We must not doubt the body’s ability to heal itself.
• Hering’s Law is a very important law to understand and remember. It is imperative to follow this law in order to allow the body to eliminate toxins created daily.

Always remember, “We don’t catch diseases, we create them by breaking down the natural defenses according to the way we eat, drink, think and live.”

September 23, 2021

I recommend using supplemental support to help expedite healing around Covid-19!

Last week I shared my THREE TOP PICKS for supplemental support in protection against Covid-19. This week, I am sharing and explaining my TOP FOUR picks for supplemental support around expedited healing in regards to Covid-19. In the event that you do contract the virus using these supplements, having the extra support will leave you with no residual symptoms. I also recommend all four of these supplements to my clients with weakened immune systems to incorporate into their everyday lives.

To access your expedited healing program, or for a personalized evaluation of what you need to ensure a healthy immune system, please contact me directly to get you set up with an individualized evaluation.

Here are my TOP FOUR picks I recommend for supplemental support to expedite healing against Covid-19;



Thymex helps to support a healthy thymus gland (the master gland of the immune system). It helps to: 

  • Encourage a healing response for individuals with low resistance 
  • Combat stress in the body 
  • Stimulate healing of all acute infections and inflammatory conditions 
  • Promote lymphatic drainage and provides a healing and defense mechanism against bacterial and viral infection.


A partner to Thymex, Thymus PMG:

  • Supports the normal repair and rebuilding of the thymus gland (our master immune gland)
  • It can also help to support normal thyroid function


Pneumotrophin PMG supports healthy lung function by: 

  • Providing respiratory support 
  • Protecting from pulmonary stress 
  • Encouraging normal repair and rebuilding of the lungs 
  • Helpful support for pneumonia 


This is a unique formula that contains key ingredients including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Thymex, Calcium Lactate, and Ribonucleic Acid (RNA). With these key nutrients, Congaplex helps the body to: 

  • Build new cells 
  • Maintain a healthy immune system function 
  • Promote white blood cell support 
  • Fight fevers and infections, particularly viral in nature
  • Maintain the mucosal membranes keeping them resistance to infection and inflammation 
  • Stimulate general thymus immune response and the bodies defense mechanism again bacterial and viral infection. 
  • Release antibodies that fight virus’s and pathogens

As a reminder, to access your expedited healing program, or for a personalized evaluation of what you need to ensure a healthy immune system, please contact me directly to get you set up with an individualized evaluation.

In addition to these supplements listed above, I also want to list out a few other helpful tips that can serve as additional support and protection. These tips include:

  • getting enough sleep
  • keeping yourself hydrated
  • eating healthy and in support of your nervous system
  • managing mental and emotional stress

Stay healthy and well!

September 15, 2021

I recommend using supplemental support to help protect against Covid-19!

With Covid-19 cases becoming more prominent as we head into fall, I wanted to take time to remind everyone of my supplemental program that helps protect against this ugly virus, in addition to many others. Over the course of this blog I will explain my TOP THREE picks for supplemental support.

To access your immune protection program, or for a personalized evaluation of what you need to ensure a healthy immune system, please contact me directly to get you set up with an individualized evaluation.

Here are my TOP THREE picks I recommend for supplemental support to protect against Covid-19 & help to build a more intelligent immune system:



Cataplex C is a full spectrum C that contains:

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
  • Vitamin P (bioflavanoids)
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin J “J factor” (oxygen carrying nutrient)
  • Enzymes

This complete Cataplex C formulation helps the body to:

  • Produce phagocytosis (cells that protect the body by ingesting harmful foreign particles)
  • Promote normal immune system response and function
  • Increase vascular integrity and oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood stream needed to combat colds and viruses
  • Provide anti-oxidant activity
  • Activate and supports the adrenal glands, our stress hormone response

Cataplex C is known to be the ‘poison on the tip of the spear’ – it appears as lethal to viruses and pathogens, making it a great supplement to be taking regularly both for Covid-19 and other viruses.


Epimune complex is an immune support and prevention nutrient that contains:

  • Calcium lactate
  • Acerola cherry
  • Zinc liver chelate
  • Coriolus
  • Maitake mushroom

This complete Epimune Complex formulation helps the body to:

  • Increase natural killer cells and B cells that reduce the formation of active oxygen species such as viruses
  • Up-regulate the immune system to ward off infections
  • Promote immune homeostasis through lymphocytes in the gut, allowing the immune system to work efficiently and properly
  • Protect the entire immune system, activate the endocrine system, increase enzyme production, and protect the skin and mucous membranes
  • Help support respiratory health year-round, especially during seasonal challenges
  • Help activate and balance a healthy immune system response function
  • Deliver an excellent source of vitamin C and zinc, both of which provide antioxidant and immune support

Echinacea Premium

Echinacea Premium is a blend of two plant species that contains:

  • The roots from Echinacea Angustifolia
  • The roots from Echinacea Purpurea

This complete Echinacea Premium formulation helps the body to:

  • Enhance immune system function
  • Support respiratory tract health
  • Help to relieve mild throat discomfort
  • Strengthen the body’s defenses to maintain a healthy immune system response
  • Create a “smarter” immune system

The blending of two plant species ensures that the specific derivatives are present in appropriate quantities to ensure optimal strength and quality.

As a reminder, to access your immune protection program, or for a personalized evaluation of what you need to ensure a healthy immune system, please contact me directly to get you set up with an individualized evaluation.

In addition to the protection program listed above, I also want to list out a few other helpful tips that can serve as additional support and protection. These tips include:

  • getting enough sleep
  • keeping yourself hydrated
  • eating healthy and in support of your nervous system
  • managing mental and emotional stress

Stay healthy and well!

September 8, 2021

September means Self-Care Awareness Month!

Self-care is a hot topic these days as mental health and wellness become more of a prominent focus in society. Everyone has different ideas about what self-care is, and that’s OK considering relaxation can mean something different to everyone. Some of my clients thrive in a relaxing setting, where others experience peak anxiety. For some, the body resting means the brain racing with all of the things they could and should be doing. I’m going to share some of my favorite forms of self-care, so that hopefully you can relax and take advantage of this extra time for yourself, regardless of where you currently fall on the self-care spectrum.

1.) Eat well

Greens, greens & more greens!

I say it time and time again, but so many of our underlying issues stem from our diet and how we take care of our bodies. The idea of self-care simply means taking care of yourself, so next time you find yourself reaching for the bag of chips or your go-to comfort food, attempt to choose one of the healthier options instead. Check out one of my blogs for recipe ideas for juices, smoothies, and other alternative snack options.

Another way to take care of yourself is to limit your alcohol consumption, or opt for less sugary cocktail options.

2.) Exercise 

Move that body of yours! 

How many times have you dreaded starting a workout only to feel like one million bucks after you finished it? Endorphins are SO special. Obviously exercising is beneficial to our overall health, but it’s arguably just as beneficial for your mental state.

Exercise doesn’t need to mean an intense HIIT workout for it to qualify as self-care. Anything you can do to actively move your body will make a huge difference for  – stretch your body, take your dog on a long walk around the neighborhood,

Next time you find yourself stressing over your never ending to-do list, make an effort to exercise. I guarantee you it will clear your head and re-energize you to do whatever it is you need to do.

3.) Sleep 

The key to a well-balanced lifestyle!

We often overlook how truly important sleep is. If we’re not getting enough sleep at night, we’re not able to start the day as our best selves. I recommend following a consistent sleep routine by setting new sleep goals. Getting into bed at the same time every night is a good start. Another pro tip is to replace any electronics before bedtime – try to replace that iPhone with a new hardcover book! Reading is yet another of my favorite self-care methods.

4.) Find a New Hobby

Try new things until something sticks!

As adults, we are often so busy with our everyday lives (work, family, etc.) that we forget to take time to do things that make us HAPPY. It’s so important to take a step back and re-find those hobbies that you once loved, or maybe instead trying something you’ve always wanted to do.

Some hobbies I recommend include yoga, meditation, hiking, cooking, gardening, dancing.

5.) Set Boundaries & Start Saying NO

You don’t have to do everything… 

One way we can practice self-care is by simply saying no to things we DON’T WANT TO DO! Again, as adults we are faced with many obstacles and long lists of things we feel like we ‘should’ do because society says so. Start taking a greater look at the things that fill your cup, instead of drain it.

Feel like you can’t possibly socialize after the long week you had at work? Cancel those plans, draw a bath, and light a candle. You’ll thank yourself the next day.

There are so many ways we can practice self-care, but these are just a few to get you started on your journey to a happier, healthier life. Start showing up for yourself so that you can show up as a greater self for those around you! 

I look forward to hearing your favorite ways that YOU take care of yourself…


August 27, 2021

Have you ever wondered if nutritional supplements could benefit your lifestyle? 

In order for your body to function properly, it needs to maintain certain amounts and balances of nutrients. We all have the opportunity to nourish our bodies, but if you fail to supply it with nutrients, you are not going to be able to live your life efficiently. Studies show that over the last 100 years, degenerative diseases have skyrocketed, proving this country’s lack of optimal nutritional requirements. On the other hand, if you provide yourself with nutrients you have the ability to stay health, trim, and energetic for life.

To my clients that are skeptical about taking Metabolic Typing® supplements, I often suggest a trial run. I recommend taking the supplements I provide you for 2 months, then stopping completely to compare the way you feel while on them and not.

1.) Quality of Food 

Unfortunately, the food available in today’s market does not provide the proper nutrients to maintain good health. Methods of storing, processing and preserving often severely devitalize foods nutritional value. In addition, many of the modern techniques used to grow food faster, larger and on nutritionally depleted soils have destroyed the original, natural quality of our food supply.

But even more alarming is the fact that science has found that the nutrient content of even organic foods is dramatically less than it used to be. Therefore, Nutritional supplements supply a concentrated form of nutrients which can easily compensate for this lack of nutrients.

2.) Time 

I teach my clients the difference between just getting enough nutrition to keep you going and in getting optimal nutrition for your Metabolic Type® on a daily basis. Many people have busy schedules which, they feel, make it impossible to eat whole, natural food. Nutritional supplements
can fill in the gap where proper eating habits fall

3.) Modern Lifestyle

Due to our modern lifestyles, we experience additional stress levels at home and at work than we did in past times. We are exposed to an incredible amount of toxic burdens in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. These factors dramatically increase the body’s requirements for nutrients. Our modern environment itself poses a challenge to our health with industrial air pollution, 10,000 chemicals in our food supply, sick-building syndrome, holes in the ozone layer, chemically-treated drinking water, and so on. All of these issues place an increased demand for nutrients on your
metabolism that may only be met through nutritional supplementation.

4.) Genetic Variations

The genetic requirement for nutrients varies tremendously between people. There can be a 2, 5 or even 10 fold difference in the need for certain nutrients. To meet this wide variation through just food could be quite difficult. The technology of The Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing® provides the ability to supply each individual with his or her unique biochemical requirements — namely, nutrients of the right kind, in the right amount, at the right time and place in the body, and in a form which is readily utilizable for any given Metabolic Type. Therefore, I provide nutritional supplementation for every individual genetic requirements.

5.) Deficiencies 

If you are not taking care of yourself, there is a good chance your body will be experiencing certain deficiencies, including the ability to digest and assimilate your food. The combination of not fully digested food, along with the lack of nutritional food, means you might make a great candidate for these supplements.

6.) Strengthening 

We use nutritional supplements to target weak areas, as well as to support the rebuilding processes by supplying required raw materials. For example, if you have digestive weaknesses or allergic reactions to foods, (a very common occurrence), nutritional supplements can build digestive strength, while at the same time allowing you to readily and easily acquire nutrients which you may otherwise have difficulty in getting due to poor digestion and assimilation.

7.) Eating Less 

Nutritional supplements can provide an excellent means of making sure that you get enough nutrients on a regular basis without having to burden your system with eating large amounts of food. The
digestion of food in high quantities requires far more energy than the digestion of a few nutritional supplements. In addition, supplements are an ideal way for you to get certain necessary nutrients from foods which you might find objectionable in taste, such as liver or bee pollen.

8.) Customize Your Nutrition 

Lastly, nutritional supplements allow for your body to design multi-vitamin / mineral formulas that address the needs of the specific Metabolic Types, correcting imbalances in all the Fundamental Homeostatic Controls unique to each person.

Interested in learning more about my nutritional supplement program? Feel free to reach out to learn more – I’d love to hear from you!

August 11, 2021

Remember this on your next trip down the produce aisle…

During discussions of nutrition and clean eating, my clients often seek my advice regarding whether they should be purchasing organic or conventional foods at the grocery store. Whenever possible, I always like to recommend organic foods; however, I understand this is not always realistic due to a variety of reasons including budget, access to organic stores, etc. Fortunately, you don’t have to purchase all organic produce to reduce your risk for chemical contamination and pesticides.

Every year the Environmental Working Group releases two lists called the Dirty Dozen™ and the Clean Fifteen™. The Dirty Dozen™ contains the 12 items most likely contaminated with pesticides. These are not necessarily items you need to avoid or stop purchasing altogether, but where they are deemed the ‘dirtier’ of the bunch, it’s important to pay closer attention to these items and really evaluate the source of purchase.

On the other hand, the Clean Fifteen™ list includes the 15 items least likely contaminated with pesticides. These are the more reliable, trustworthy options, regardless of where you are shopping. 

Take a look at these lists below – I think you’ll be shocked at some of this year’s picks!

Dirty Dozen™ – EWG’s 2021 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale, collard and mustard greens
  4. Nectarines
  5. Apples
  6. Grapes
  7. Cherries
  8. Peaches
  9. Pears
  10. Bell and hot peppers
  11. Celery
  12. Tomatoes

Clean Fifteen™ – EWG’s 2021 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

  1. Avocados
  2. Sweet corn
  3. Pineapple
  4. Onions
  5. Papaya
  6. Sweet peas (frozen)
  7. Eggplant
  8. Asparagus
  9. Broccoli
  10. Cabbage
  11. Kiwi
  12. Cauliflower
  13. Mushrooms
  14. Honeydew melon
  15. Cantaloupe

Interested in these lists, but still need a little help planning your next grocery run? I am a functional nutrition and wellness consultant and would be happy to assist further! I’m available for in person or remote consultations. Reach out anytime.

Source: Environmental Working Group

August 2, 2021

Could a juice cleanse be just what you’ve been looking for?

We still have the majority of August, but there’s no denying that summer will be coming to a close before we know it! As great as the snack-filled beach days and sugary cocktails by the water are during the summer months, they have a habit of catching up to us quickly. If you’re looking for a way to get back on track, a juice cleanse might be just what you need to transition back into fall. In fact, many of my clients often use a juice cleanse as a way to “kick-start” their way into a healthier lifestyle.

To start, I recommend a 3-day juice cleanse for my clients who are new to the world of juicing. This 3-day mark is the perfect amount of time to help individuals in overcoming dependencies on processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fats. Not only will the juices reduce the stress on your digestive system, but they will also provide your body with a boost of hydration and plant micronutrients.

A common misconception my clients have is that the juices will be bland or boring, but I’ve compiled some of my favorite recipes – all delicious and packed with everything you’ve been missing to detoxify your body! Between Strawberry Alfalfa, Lemon Drop, and Gallbladder Bliss you’ll have a hard time choosing a favorite. Bookmark these full recipes for when you’re ready to try a cleanse!

Living Balance Wellness Juice Recipes 

Apple Detox ·      2 Apples

·      1 Bunch of Celery Sticks

·      1 Lemon

·      ¼ inch Ginger

Gallbladder Bliss


·      ¼ inch Ginger

·      3 Carrots

·      3 Beets with Beet Greens

·      1 Bunch Cilantro

·      1 Bunch Parsley

Ginger Carrot ·      3 Large Carrots

·      ¼ inch Ginger

·      1 Apple

·      1 Small Celery Stick

Lemon Drop ·      1 Bunch Seedless Grape

·      1 Bunch Fennel

·      1 Cucumber

·      1 Lemon

·      1 Bunch Parsleys

Mint Madness ·      1 Cucumber

·      1 Apple or Pear

·      1 Small Bunch of Seedless Grapes

·      1 Small Container Mint Leaves

·      1 Container Mache Leaves

·      ½ Bunch Romaine Lettuce

·      1 Drop Mint Essential Oil

Piña Colada ·      1 Container Chopped Pineapple

·      1 Bunch Romaine Lettuce

·      1 Bunch Parsley

·      1 Bunch Cilantro

·      1 Cucumber

Raspberry Melon Lime ·      1 Container Raspberries

·      1 Container Chopped Watermelon

·      1 Lime

·      1 Cucumber

·      Romaine Lettuce

Spicy Pear Ginger Fennel ·      1 Pear

·      1 Cucumber

·      1 Bunch of Fennel with Leaves

·      ¼ inch Fresh Ginger Root

·      Several handfuls arugula (large)

Strawberry Alfalfa ·      1 Container Strawberries

·      1 Cucumber

·      1 Bunch Parsley

·      1 Tub Alfalfa Sprouts

·      ½ Bunch of Seedless Grapes

We’ll leave you with two final tips!

  1. Amounts of each ingredient can vary to taste, preference and ounces you’re trying to make. Add cucumber to make more liquid or cut strong flavors with water or coconut water.
  2. If you live with a loved one or have a friend you believe could benefit from the cleanse, accountability partners are always helpful and encouraged!

Please note, I do not recommend a juice cleanse to clients with unstable blood sugar, a candida infection, or those who do not consider themselves to follow a well-nourished diet. If you’re not sure if you fall into one of these categories, feel free to reach out to learn more – I’d love to hear from you!

April 12, 2021

“The emotional trauma of stress is known to affect the  expression of over one thousand genes, including many that  influence aging and cell regeneration.”  – Dawson Church

When you experience a negative emotion anger, worry or fear, your adrenaline pumps, your muscles tense, and your blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar all rise to give you extra energy to be ready to fight or flee. Unfortunately, in today’s world, the brain interprets the stress of being late for work, arguing with a spouse, or worrying about finances as  a full blown fight-or-flight occurrences. Daily life is filled with these small fight-or-flight experiences and an ongoing stress response leaves us worn down, sick, upset, overweight, stressed out, and generally unhappy with our life situations.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an amazingly efficient technique that allows you to halt the fight-or-flight response and reprogram the brain and body to act, and react differently. EFT uses fingertip tapping on meridian points, or energy hotspots. EFT is so effective at calming the nervous system that MRI’s and PET scans can actually record the “red alert” being called off in the brain during the EFT process. By retraining your brain with this technique, you are able to permanently alter conditioned fear pathways. You can develop new ways of thinking and perceiving the world and release debilitating fears, thoughts and memories.

If altering the limiting pathways in your brain or changing your biology isn’t enough of a motivation to get you to try EFT, consider the negative effects of frequent stress responses on your health. If not cleared through EFT or another technique, the emotions connected to disturbing events, experiences, or thoughts will continue to trigger the stress response in your brain, perhaps many times a day, potentially leading to serious physical issues.

I guide clients through EFT practices in order to relieve stress so that they can live a life they love! Get in touch if I can help you.

March 28, 2021

Snacking has gotten a negative rap, but if done correctly, it can be a very important and beneficial part of your diet. Having a healthy snack in between your meals can help provide your body the nutrients that you’re missing or not getting enough of. They also can help keep you from getting so hungry that you over-eat at meal times. Snacks are very important for individuals who are unable to eat meals on a regular schedule. If you need help, or support from a nutritional and wellness consultant, please contact me anytime! I’m located in the Greater Boston area, but I can consult clients virtually from anywhere. 

Tips for healthy snacking:

  • When choosing a snack, think about what food groups you may not be getting enough of. For example, if you haven’t had fruit yet that day, have one of the snacks listed below that contains fruits.
  • Also consider what you may be getting too much of. If you’re meeting your macronutrient goals from eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, snacking may not be necessary or beneficial.
  • Preparing snacks in advance, when possible, may be helpful in sticking to your healthy choices.

Eat what feels right to you and enjoy!

Living Balance Wellness Healthy Snacks

Snack Ingredients Recipe
Antioxidant & Omega Fat Fruit Snack
  • ½  avocado (finely chopped)
  • 1/2 c blueberries, raspberries and/or blackberries
  • 1 tbsp hemp Seeds
  • 1 tbsp flaxseed (finely ground)
  • 1 tbsp raw cacao powder or nibs
  • 1 tsp Manuka honey drizzled over top (optional)
Place avocado in a large bowl and layer fruit on top.

Sprinkle with hemp seed, flaxseed, and cocoa powder. Drizzle with honey.

  • Applesauce (with no sugar added)
  • Chia seeds
  • Coconut flakes
Combine unsweetened applesauce, chia seeds, and coconut flakes and enjoy.
Avocado Apple Snack
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/2 crisp green apple
  • Sprinkle of goat cheese or feta (Optional)
Combine chopped avocado and apple.

Sprinkle goat cheese over top (optional)

Beef Jerky & Veg
  • Beef jerky
  • Celery/carrot sticks.
Pair beef jerky with celery and/or carrot sticks.
Dates & Butter
  • Dried dates
  • Nut butter
  • Crushed pistachio (optional)
Stuff dates with a nut butter such as almond butter or sesame butter (tahini) for a sweet and satisfying snack. Top with crushed pistachio (optional).
Fruit & Avocado
  • Apple and/or pear
  • Avocado
Dice the apple/pear and avocado and toss together in a bowl.  Add Celtic salt if desired. 
Fruits & Nuts
  • Variety of fresh fruit
  • Variety of nuts
Combine a single serving of fresh (preferably organic) fruits and nuts and enjoy.
Pineapple & Macadamia
  • Pineapple, fresh or frozen
  • Macadamia nuts or nut butter
Chop pineapple and combine with macadamia nuts or dip in macadamia nut butter. 
Crackers & Tahini
  • Rice crackers
  • Raw cucumber
  • Sesame butter (tahini)
Slice cucumber. Spread tahini over rice cracker and top with a slice of cucumber.
Trail Mix
  • Coconut flakes
  • Pecans, almonds, and/or cashews
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Dried apples or banana chips
  • Dried mulberries (optional)
Mix ingredients & enjoy.
Veggie Sticks
  • Carrot sticks
  • Celery Sticks
  • Hummus (olive oil based), almond or sesame butter (tahini), or raw nuts and seeds
Dip carrots and celery with either hummus, nut butter, or just pair with raw nuts and seeds.
Nut Milk Yogurt & Fruit
  • Almond, coconut or cashew yogurt
  • Fresh or frozen berries
Top yogurt with a handful of berries.

March 13, 2021

Living Balance Wellness Nut Butters  

Nut butters are a great source of healthy fats, fiber, and protein – they are also nutrient-rich in Vitamin E, B6, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, copper, and potassium. Eat your nut butters with fruit or on toasted gluten free bread or waffle. As always, stick to the macronutrient breakdown from your metabolic type. Enjoy!

Nut Butter  Ingredients  Recipe 
Cinnamon Pecan Butter  
  • 2 cups Raw Pecans
  • 1 tbsp Ghee 
  • Cinnamon (to taste)
  • Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt
Blend ingredients in food processor or high powered blender such as a Vita-mixer until creamy. Double recipe to make more. Store in refrigerator.
Macadamia Coconut 
  • 2 cups raw macadamia nuts
  • 1 tbsp unrefined organic coconut oil
  • pinch of Celtic sea salt
  • 1/2 cup raw unsweetened coconut flakes
  • optional: 2 tbsp raw honey
Combine macadamia nuts, coconut oil and coconut flakes in a high powered blender such as a Vitamix or  food processor. Blend until creamy. Small dash of Celtic sea salt over top. Optional:  Blend in 2 tbsp raw honey.
Chocolate Almond 
  • 2 cups raw almonds
  • 3 tbsp unrefined organic  coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp raw cacao
  • 3 tbsp dark maple syrup (Optional)
  • pinch of Celtic sea salt
Combine raw almonds, 2 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp cacao, 3 tbsp maple syrup (optional), pinch of celtic sea salt. Blend in high powered blender such as vitamix or food processor. Store in refrigerator.