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May 31, 2021

Health is more than just eating well. Below you will find lifestyle suggestions designed to help you live a healthy, happy life.

Eating habits

  • Avoid cooking with electricity, especially microwave ovens. Convert to gas when practical.
  • Avoid water with chlorine and fluoride. Use spring water or a good-quality water filter. 
  • Chew your food well, 30 seconds per mouthful or more, until it becomes liquid.
  • Read my 16 basic nutrition tips. 


  • View everything and everyone you meet with gratitude.
  • Do your best to be on good terms with people, especially your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, parents, children, brothers, sisters, friends and co-workers. Communicate with them regularly, either in person or via telephone or email.


  • To increase your circulation, scrub your entire body with a hot, damp washcloth morning and/or night.
  • Avoid wearing synthetic or woolen clothing directly on the skin. Wear 100% cotton clothing as much as possible. 
  • Avoid chemically perfumed cosmetics. 
  • For care of the teeth, use natural toothpastes.
  • Avoid excessive jewelry on your fingers, wrists and neck; fewer rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings and piercings allow your natural energy flow to circulate more freely.


  • Give generously of yourself and your resources. 
  • Live each day happily without focusing on your problems.
  • Hum or sing a happy song every day. 
  • Foster a sense of humor. 
  • Offer thanks before and after meals. 
  • Most of all, create a positive attitude and wonderful environment around you, and enjoy the process of becoming healthier and happier every step of the way! 

Meditation and Exercise

  • Treat yourself to regular daily quiet time – study, pray, meditate; recharge yourself. 
  • Include exercise as part of your daily life. Experiment with an exercise style that works for you. Try yoga, Pilates, martial arts, walking, running, bicycling, rollerblading, swimming, dancing, weight lifting or competitive sports. 

Home practices

  • Keep your home in good order, including kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living rooms. You are your home.
  • If possible, include large green plants in every room of your home and office to freshen and enrich the oxygen content of the air.
  • Minimize television watching, or at least keep a good distance away from the television.

Need more tips to loving and living your best life? I’m a functional nutrition and wellness consultant based in Massachusetts and would love to speak to you anytime.

May 23, 2021

Now more than ever, it’s so important to relieve stress for your physical health. Actively resting and slowing things down helps with that! Here are 10 tips for slowing down.

  1. Take the time to prioritize daily objectives. By focusing on the most important tasks to get done, we eliminate the hustle and stress of trying to accomplish everything at once.
  2. Cut personal internet use by half. Technology has become a major element in most of our lives. Social networking, email, and web-surfing can occasionally cause our minds to lose focus and wander through hundreds of topics, thoughts and ideas. Try to use half your designated internet time to explore new hobbies, exercise or meditate.
  3. Enjoy nature. When time permits – take a 5 to 10 minute break to step outside and breath-in some fresh air. Disconnect from the rest of the world and concentrate on the beauty of nature.
  4. Eat Slower. A lot of us tend to speed through meals – missing the chance to appreciate different textures and flavors. Start to chew foods more slowly while trying to distinguish new tastes, aromas and consistencies.
  5. Connect with family and friends. We all try to make a considerable amount of time to spend with close friend and family. We discuss life events, exchange stories – but how often do we catch-up while truly listening and connecting? Put away the cellphones and steer clear of noisy environments. Connect on a deeper level.
  6. Make time for yourself. When’s the last time you spent valuable time by yourself? Take a night to find a new book, watch a favorite movie, try yoga, meditate or cook a new recipe.
  7. Give yourself more time. Some of us like to stick to a tight schedule and plan all our daily events. Next time you’re jotting down new tasks in your planner, try to factor in a few extra minutes when estimating how long things will take. This will help you not rush through daily tasks.
  8. Take the scenic route. Next time you’re driving a somewhat long distance – try taking the scenic route. Driving through open fields, mountains, or viewing a city skyline can be very relaxing. Check out the scenic routes before your next trip!
  9. Sit for a moment with your eyes closed when you start your computer. Even just a few moments of meditation can set the tone for the rest of your day. Try to empty your mind and take deep breaths before jumping into your day’s tasks.
  10. Remember your goals and aspirations. Each morning when you wake up, take a few moments to think about your life goals and aspirations. Try to recall the milestones you’ve already made in your life, and your drive to achieve new ones. Try doing this for about 5 minutes before finally getting out of bed to start your day.

Need more tips for stress relief? I have plenty! I’m a functional wellness and nutrition consultant and coach based in Greater Boston, Massachusetts. I’d be happy to help you practice slowing down and get on your way to living a healthy life you love. Get in touch anytime.


While there is no quick fix to inflammation, you certainly can find relief. The first place to look is your diet. The average person generally eats 3-5 times per day.  It is important to consider the type of foods you are consuming.  Are these foods nourishing your body, or simply filling your stomach and pleasing your taste buds? One the most common culprits to inflammation is over-consuming sugar. Sugar comes in many disguises so don’t be fooled! Two of the most common are lactose and fructose found in milk and fruit. But did you know that all grains also convert to sugar alcohol in your body?  If your day gets started with a bowl of cereal and milk, and a glass of orange juice, then wow -that’s a ton of sugar!

Consider this:  your body can only handle approximately 1tsp. of sugar in the blood stream at any given time. Any more than that and you’re in trouble. One 12 ounce glass of OJ provides a whopping 8 teaspoons! So what happens? In a nutshell, the pancreas has to work on over-drive to produce enough insulin to regulate the amount of sugar entering the blood stream at any given time. The body interprets this constant demand on the pancreas as an internal stress and alerts your adrenals to get involved. Your adrenals are what produce the “fight or flight” hormone called cortisol to help your body deal with stress appropriately. In normal amounts, cortisol acts as an anti-inflammatory and natural pain reliever. The problem is, when this hormone is being produced on a consistent basis, and in high amounts, it has the reverse affect. It starts to cause inflammation and pain!  

Once you’ve started this cycle, it can be hard to get out of because your body starts to crave the very thing that is causing the stress response….SUGAR!   Do yourself a favor and cut out the sugar – that means carbohydrates folks. Try to eat more healthy proteins, fats, and low starch vegetables. In fact, give up the cereal for your morning breakfast all together and try replacing it with this healthy shake:   

  • 8-10 ounces of Coconut Milk (found in the dairy section at Whole Foods) or Almond Milk
  • ½ avocado 
  • 4 ounces FAGE Greek yogurt (found in dairy section at Whole Foods – full fat please) 
  • 1 raw egg (organic free range) ….if your queasy about a raw egg, replace it with some almond butter – no peanut butter though!
  • 1/2tsp of stevia or xylitol 

Blend and drink… yum  yum yum… don’t like my suggestion?  No problem –  be creative and try something different – just don’t go for that bagel with cream cheese, muffin with butter, or slice of toast and jam. When’s the last time you had some free range eggs with a side of spinach or steamed kale?  

Once you’ve considered your diet, you may want to add some supplements to help assist your body in overcoming inflammation. Of course, the type of supplements appropriate for you depends on what is causing your inflammation. Below is a list of supplements that you may find helpful. Most of these can be found at your local health food store.

  • MSM – helpful for all kinds of inflammation as well as problems with connective tissue such as ligament, tendons, and even hair, skin, and nails. 
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Specifically: MORE EPA by Minami). EPA acts a natural anti-inflammatory and helps regulate the ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids, too much of which can lead to inflammation 
  • Cherry Fruit Extract – specific for different forms of  arthritis and gout 

For a more specific approach, consider taking the adrenal stress test and/or hair mineral analysis to determine how well your body is handling stress and metabolizing carbohydrates. This can lead you to a more precise diet and supplement program to address your individual needs. 

Need help with fighting inflammation? Get in touch – I’d love to hear from you!

April 24, 2021

My client Amy had been on antidepressants for years and just generally had a “feeling of disease” when we started working together years ago. Today, she feels great – grateful and thriving while completely medication free. So what is it like to work with a Functional Nutrition and Wellness Consultant? She was recently interviewed to talk about her journey with me. Client’s name has been changed for privacy.


So why did you start working with Aubrey?
I was familiar with functional medicine and had already been looking for someone with that expertise – I found her through a mutual friend who had recommended her. I had a general feeling of disease. I was coming off of antidepressants for what had been years. I was emotional and not feeling great.

What did you and Aubrey do first?
We sat down and went over the entire program, did a chakra cleansing, and then she moved right into the plan. I found her very open, friendly, and informative – she knew what she was talking about.

What did the first few weeks like?
I’m going to be honest, they were pretty intense! We went over foods to avoid and foods to eat more of. We went over supplements. It was a re-education process, as far as to look out for things I was sensitive to. I was diagnosed with a gluten intolerance in 2000, but I never paid attention to it. Aubrey worked with me on that and also suggested eliminating dairy – I felt a huge difference from doing that.

Did you have challenges with the program?
I resisted at first, but Aubrey pushes you and that’s what I needed. I wanted someone to give me that extra push rather than coddle me. I was really willing to put in the effort so that I could get results – and I have. Aubrey is also great at working out a system where the program is manageable for your lifestyle. She gives you a few things to work on at the same time and then reevaluates things every few weeks. She’s very responsive, accommodating to me schedule, and very accessible.

How long did it take to get results?
I would say about 6 months. Getting my gut in order was a big challenge. I had previously had foods in my diet that weren’t healthy. I had to eliminate foods that were inflammatory for me like nightshades and cashews. It was really like peeling layers off an onion.

What other a-ha moments have you had from the Living Balance Wellness program?
I switched from wine to vodka and tequila (in moderation) and that made a huge difference. I was able to recognize how to go gluten-free without the processed and high sugar products.

How are you today?
It’s been a few years of working with her. I’ve shifted a lot and I have to say I feel very good. I’m very aware of what’s working for me. I’m grateful to Aubrey because she’s educated me a lot. I’m thriving. And I’m completely off all medication.



Can I help you THRIVE? Get in touch today – I’d love to hear from you, no matter where you are on your wellness journey.

April 12, 2021

“The emotional trauma of stress is known to affect the  expression of over one thousand genes, including many that  influence aging and cell regeneration.”  – Dawson Church

When you experience a negative emotion anger, worry or fear, your adrenaline pumps, your muscles tense, and your blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar all rise to give you extra energy to be ready to fight or flee. Unfortunately, in today’s world, the brain interprets the stress of being late for work, arguing with a spouse, or worrying about finances as  a full blown fight-or-flight occurrences. Daily life is filled with these small fight-or-flight experiences and an ongoing stress response leaves us worn down, sick, upset, overweight, stressed out, and generally unhappy with our life situations.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an amazingly efficient technique that allows you to halt the fight-or-flight response and reprogram the brain and body to act, and react differently. EFT uses fingertip tapping on meridian points, or energy hotspots. EFT is so effective at calming the nervous system that MRI’s and PET scans can actually record the “red alert” being called off in the brain during the EFT process. By retraining your brain with this technique, you are able to permanently alter conditioned fear pathways. You can develop new ways of thinking and perceiving the world and release debilitating fears, thoughts and memories.

If altering the limiting pathways in your brain or changing your biology isn’t enough of a motivation to get you to try EFT, consider the negative effects of frequent stress responses on your health. If not cleared through EFT or another technique, the emotions connected to disturbing events, experiences, or thoughts will continue to trigger the stress response in your brain, perhaps many times a day, potentially leading to serious physical issues.

I guide clients through EFT practices in order to relieve stress so that they can live a life they love! Get in touch if I can help you.

March 20, 2021

One Man’s Food . . .Is Another’s Poison

Did you know that you are actually very different, biochemically speaking, from every other person who ever was or ever will be? It’s true. Your body’s biochemical makeup is as unique as your fingerprints!

For genetic reasons, we’re all very different in the way that our bodies process foods and utilize nutrients. Throughout man’s evolutionary history, people all over the world have been forced to adapt to widely varying environmental circumstances – including very different climates and food supplies.

As an example, traditional Eskimos thrive on very large quantities of meat and fat, while people born in the tropics stay healthy eating fruits and grains and other light vegetarian fare. For decades, scientists have observed that people who eat according to their genetically based dietary needs have virtually no incidence of cancer, heart disease, or any other degenerative ailments. Do you know your unique genetically based nutritional needs?

Optimize Your Health by Customizing Your Diet

Healthexcel’s Metabolic Typing is an easy-to-use, proven technology that allows you to rapidly identify your own highly individualized dietary needs. This extraordinary technology represents the combined efforts of some of this century’s leading medical researchers – people who are well known for pioneering achievements in nutritional science.

Now you can benefit from this simple system to identify your metabolic type. Then you’ll know how to select just the right “body fuel,” – foods, food combinations, and nutrients – that will enable your body to function at peak efficiency. With this leading edge dietary technology you may:

  • Prevent and reverse chronic illness
  • Optimize your physical energy and your mental clarity
  • Lose weight naturally and maintain your ideal weight
  • Strengthen immunity 
  • Slow down the aging process
  • Enhance athletic performance
  • Overcome mood swings and depression

Eat According To Your Metabolic Type

Over the last two decades, we’ve witnessed an extraordinary nutrition revolution here in the U.S. Yet in this time the health of Americans has declined greatly. Obesity, cancer, arthritis, asthma, heart disease, digestive maladies, chronic fatigue – all these problems have reached epidemic proportions.

Our poor health is a direct result of serious dietary deficiencies and imbalances. These problems persist because we have lacked the technology necessary to evaluate and correct nutritional problems on a case-by-case basis. Dietary solutions need to be tailored to individuals, because what works for one person may have no effect on another person, and may make a third person worse.

But that technology is here at last in the form of Metabolic Type Testing. Now you can look and feel far better than you ever thought possible. Contact me if you’d like more information on Metabolic Typing, the nutritional science for the future. It’s the solution you’ve been waiting for!

January 31, 2021

What can an analysis of a hair sample tell you about your health! A lot, actually.

One of the services I provide, a hair mineral analysis can identify possible “blocking factors” that could inhibit your ability to reach your health goals.

A hair sample acts as an excellent screening tool to provide specific information about your metabolic and nutritional status. This includes the effects of diet, nutritional supplementation, stress, toxic metal exposure, and even inherited mineral patterns.

Via a hair mineral analysis, I can evaluate:

  • Digestions and assimilation of nutrients
  • Presence of gastro-intestinal dysfunction
  • Overall thyroid and adrenal function
  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Internal stress response
  • Heavy metal toxicity

Every hair mineral analysis includes a 50 minute virtual session with me to review the results and what it could mean for your health. Have more questions or interested in having a hair mineral analysis completed? Contact me.

January 17, 2021

Crockpot or slow cooker meals above all else, offer the benefit of convenience. When healthy meals are convenient and pre-prepared, they are much easier to stick to than when you have to prepare a dinner at the end of a long day or make a lunch when you are in a hurry.

Crockpot meals can be made in bulk in order to help with meal planning for the whole week. Also, because crockpot meals are often soups or stews, they are easy on your digestive system. Cook these recipes on low for several hours until the meat is cooked through and tender. 

Included here in my healthy slow cooker recipes:

  • Sweet Potato Chili with ground turkey, beef, or lamb
  • Coconut Chicken Curry with toasted and salted coconut flakes
  • Artichoke Chicken loaded with veggies and black and green olives
  • Beef Stew
  • Beef Stroganoff over brown rice noodles
  • Fish Stew with cod and fresh herbs

Download my printable 6 Healthy and Easy Slow Cooker Recipes here! 



December 13, 2020

The benefits of protein shakes:
Protein shakes have many benefits for those trying to improve their diet. Protein shakes are nutritious, filling, customizable, and an easy way to consume nutrients you might otherwise not be getting enough of. The protein powder added to these shakes can help build muscle, aid in fat loss, increase satiety, and improve metabolic activity. Contact me for more guidance on nutrition plans and protein shakes.

Steps to making great protein shakes
Use organic ingredients whenever possible.

  1. Add your liquid:  water, coconut water, unsweetened coconut milk, almond milk or rice milk. Use as much liquid as desired for preferred thickness.
  2. Add protein powder (suggestion: By Standard Process – see below for ordering information)
    1. SP Complete Dairy Free Rice Protein
    2. SP Complete Vanilla or Chocolate Whey Protein
    3. Veg-E Complete Vanilla or Chocolate Pea Protein
  3. Add 1-2 fresh fruits or .5 to 1 cup frozen fruit
  4. Add 1-2 vegetables:
    1. Handful of a leafy green: (spinach, romaine, kale, cilantro, parsley)
    2. If you have a high powered blender such as a Vitamix, then adding carrots, beets, celery or cucumber can be a great addition
  5. Add a fat: ¼ avocado, 1TBS hemp seed, chia seed, ground flax seeds, sunflower butter, or tahini butter
  6. Optional: add spices (cinnamon, celtic salt, cayenne pepper, ginger, nutmeg, turmeric, etc.) or superfoods to taste (coconut, acai berry, mulberries, etc.).
  7. Be Creative. Blend and enjoy!

To order high quality protein for your shakes:
Please send an e-mail to or

  1. Go to:
  2. Choose: Patient Direct
  3. Fill out your information
  4. Choose a login and passcode
  5. Use Practitioner Code: FANT4U

My 9 Top Protein Shake Recipes in a printable PDF! 

Protein Shake Recipes from Living Balance Wellness and Aubrey Thompson
Click image to download a printable PDF


December 5, 2020

Metabolic typing is a nutritional technology that can rapidly identify highly-individualized dietary needs. It uses a series of tests to analyze how well your body is metabolizing nutrients and what it’s missing. Our health and our vitality can be the direct result of dietary deficiencies and imbalances. By correctly evaluating nutritional problems, we can tailor individual solutions.

You can look and feel better by utilizing metabolic typing technology to identify your own dietary needs. You will know how to select the right body fuel including food combinations and nutrients that can enable your body to function more efficiently. This will slow down the aging process and allow you to lose weight naturally. Through learning about your unique genetic nutritional profile, you can reduce the risk of degenerative diseases.

With metabolic typing and a personalized eating and nutrition plan, you will enhance your body’s ability to:
● maintain your ideal weight
● optimize your physical energy and mental clarity
● extract nutrients from foods
● handle stress
● strengthen the immune system
● decrease joint pain and muscle pain
● look good and feel fantastic

Are you ready to learn more about nutrition for looking and feeling your best? I offer individual consulting and testing (both remotely from anywhere and in person) so that you know how to eat for your metabolic type and start to reap the many benefits for your body. Get in touch with me to get started.