22 Tips for a Healthy, Happy Life

Happy Healthy Life Tips

Health is more than just eating well. Below you will find lifestyle suggestions designed to help you live a healthy, happy life.

Eating habits

  • Avoid cooking with electricity, especially microwave ovens. Convert to gas when practical.
  • Avoid water with chlorine and fluoride. Use spring water or a good-quality water filter. 
  • Chew your food well, 30 seconds per mouthful or more, until it becomes liquid.
  • Read my 16 basic nutrition tips. 


  • View everything and everyone you meet with gratitude.
  • Do your best to be on good terms with people, especially your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, parents, children, brothers, sisters, friends and co-workers. Communicate with them regularly, either in person or via telephone or email.


  • To increase your circulation, scrub your entire body with a hot, damp washcloth morning and/or night.
  • Avoid wearing synthetic or woolen clothing directly on the skin. Wear 100% cotton clothing as much as possible. 
  • Avoid chemically perfumed cosmetics. 
  • For care of the teeth, use natural toothpastes.
  • Avoid excessive jewelry on your fingers, wrists and neck; fewer rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings and piercings allow your natural energy flow to circulate more freely.


  • Give generously of yourself and your resources. 
  • Live each day happily without focusing on your problems.
  • Hum or sing a happy song every day. 
  • Foster a sense of humor. 
  • Offer thanks before and after meals. 
  • Most of all, create a positive attitude and wonderful environment around you, and enjoy the process of becoming healthier and happier every step of the way! 

Meditation and Exercise

  • Treat yourself to regular daily quiet time – study, pray, meditate; recharge yourself. 
  • Include exercise as part of your daily life. Experiment with an exercise style that works for you. Try yoga, Pilates, martial arts, walking, running, bicycling, rollerblading, swimming, dancing, weight lifting or competitive sports. 

Home practices

  • Keep your home in good order, including kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living rooms. You are your home.
  • If possible, include large green plants in every room of your home and office to freshen and enrich the oxygen content of the air.
  • Minimize television watching, or at least keep a good distance away from the television.

Need more tips to loving and living your best life? I’m a functional nutrition and wellness consultant based in Massachusetts and would love to speak to you anytime.

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