6 Healthy and Easy Crockpot Recipes

Sweet Potato Chili Healthy Crockpot Slow Cooker Recipes

Crockpot or slow cooker meals above all else, offer the benefit of convenience. When healthy meals are convenient and pre-prepared, they are much easier to stick to than when you have to prepare a dinner at the end of a long day or make a lunch when you are in a hurry.

Crockpot meals can be made in bulk in order to help with meal planning for the whole week. Also, because crockpot meals are often soups or stews, they are easy on your digestive system. Cook these recipes on low for several hours until the meat is cooked through and tender. 

Included here in my healthy slow cooker recipes:

  • Sweet Potato Chili with ground turkey, beef, or lamb
  • Coconut Chicken Curry with toasted and salted coconut flakes
  • Artichoke Chicken loaded with veggies and black and green olives
  • Beef Stew
  • Beef Stroganoff over brown rice noodles
  • Fish Stew with cod and fresh herbs

Download my printable 6 Healthy and Easy Slow Cooker Recipes here! 



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