Tips for Self-Care September

September means Self-Care Awareness Month!

Self-care is a hot topic these days as mental health and wellness become more of a prominent focus in society. Everyone has different ideas about what self-care is, and that’s OK considering relaxation can mean something different to everyone. Some of my clients thrive in a relaxing setting, where others experience peak anxiety. For some, the body resting means the brain racing with all of the things they could and should be doing. I’m going to share some of my favorite forms of self-care, so that hopefully you can relax and take advantage of this extra time for yourself, regardless of where you currently fall on the self-care spectrum.

1.) Eat well

Greens, greens & more greens!

I say it time and time again, but so many of our underlying issues stem from our diet and how we take care of our bodies. The idea of self-care simply means taking care of yourself, so next time you find yourself reaching for the bag of chips or your go-to comfort food, attempt to choose one of the healthier options instead. Check out one of my blogs for recipe ideas for juices, smoothies, and other alternative snack options.

Another way to take care of yourself is to limit your alcohol consumption, or opt for less sugary cocktail options.

2.) Exercise 

Move that body of yours! 

How many times have you dreaded starting a workout only to feel like one million bucks after you finished it? Endorphins are SO special. Obviously exercising is beneficial to our overall health, but it’s arguably just as beneficial for your mental state.

Exercise doesn’t need to mean an intense HIIT workout for it to qualify as self-care. Anything you can do to actively move your body will make a huge difference for  – stretch your body, take your dog on a long walk around the neighborhood,

Next time you find yourself stressing over your never ending to-do list, make an effort to exercise. I guarantee you it will clear your head and re-energize you to do whatever it is you need to do.

3.) Sleep 

The key to a well-balanced lifestyle!

We often overlook how truly important sleep is. If we’re not getting enough sleep at night, we’re not able to start the day as our best selves. I recommend following a consistent sleep routine by setting new sleep goals. Getting into bed at the same time every night is a good start. Another pro tip is to replace any electronics before bedtime – try to replace that iPhone with a new hardcover book! Reading is yet another of my favorite self-care methods.

4.) Find a New Hobby

Try new things until something sticks!

As adults, we are often so busy with our everyday lives (work, family, etc.) that we forget to take time to do things that make us HAPPY. It’s so important to take a step back and re-find those hobbies that you once loved, or maybe instead trying something you’ve always wanted to do.

Some hobbies I recommend include yoga, meditation, hiking, cooking, gardening, dancing.

5.) Set Boundaries & Start Saying NO

You don’t have to do everything… 

One way we can practice self-care is by simply saying no to things we DON’T WANT TO DO! Again, as adults we are faced with many obstacles and long lists of things we feel like we ‘should’ do because society says so. Start taking a greater look at the things that fill your cup, instead of drain it.

Feel like you can’t possibly socialize after the long week you had at work? Cancel those plans, draw a bath, and light a candle. You’ll thank yourself the next day.

There are so many ways we can practice self-care, but these are just a few to get you started on your journey to a happier, healthier life. Start showing up for yourself so that you can show up as a greater self for those around you! 

I look forward to hearing your favorite ways that YOU take care of yourself…


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