Hair Mineral Analysis

What is Hair Mineral Analysis?

Correct your body chemistry and improve cell functioning using HTMA as a guide for targeted supplementation

 Did you know that the pre-follicle phase of your hair is one of the areas the body eliminates minerals, chemicals and heavy metals? This is one reasons your hair can be accurately tested. The individual mineral levels, ratios of minerals to each other and patterns of minerals deposited in the hair reveal all kinds of things about your body chemistry and health conditions.

Many health symptoms and disease can be caused largely by a lack of nutrition, and an abundance of toxicity. A hair analysis test is one of the most accurate ways to test for nutritional deficiencies, mineral imbalances, and toxic heavy metal build-up.   It can reveal patterns your body is holding or heading towards and provide a window of opportunity to correct these patterns before they become symptoms and/or dis-ease.

By revealing your mineral deficiencies and chemical toxicity, this test can help to explain many of the underlying causes of imbalances and health issues in your body and provide a blueprint to increase your performance and level of function.

Testing For Heavy Metals

A hair analysis is one of the most effective ways for evaluating the body’s heavy metal status.

Heavy metals are toxic contaminants that have become an integral part of our industrialized culture. Metals like aluminum, cadmium, lead and mercury are commonly found in thousands of different food products, household products, personal products and untold numbers of industrial products and chemicals.

Heavy metals accumulate in the body’s vital organs and tissues (e.g., brain, liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas), thereby disrupting their ability to function normally. They also displace “good” minerals (e.g., calcium, magnesium, zinc) that are necessary for vital enzyme reactions. In this way, heavy metals are often the primary cause of a very broad range of serious degenerative disorders.

There are many ways heavy metals can be absorbed into your body — through foods and beverages, skin exposure, and via the air you breathe. Although eliminating exposure entirely is almost impossible, you can prevent heavy metals from collecting in your body and even get rid of them if they’ve already accumulated in your organs and tissues. This can be done by following your metabolic type diet, enhancing your detoxification channels, optimizing your mineral balance, staying hydrated, and utilizing chelation therapies.

Copyright © Healthexcel 1987, 2000

Testing For Minerals

One of the foundations of health lies in adequate mineral intake and ideal mineral ratios. Minerals are the “spark plugs” of life involved in almost all actions in the body and are needed for proper functioning of the organs and tissues. Because minerals work synergistically with each other, excess intake of one mineral can decrease the absorption and assimilation of another. This can cause a loss of equilibrium between nutrients in your body and have an adverse effect on health.

There are many ways minerals and mineral absorption can become disrupted. HTMA help identify whether the following could be affecting you and help form a plan towards eliminating them from the body.

  • Stress depletes minerals from the body and lowers our immune resistance
  • Toxic heavy metals can bind to minerals at their reception point and interfere with mineral absorption.
  • Food sensitivities can cause inflammation along the intestinal wall and effect mineral absorption and assimilation
  • Parasite, bacterial and/or viral infection can create an internal stress that depletes minerals and affects absorption and assimilation
  • Eating toxic food can cause internal inflammation and deplete minerals
  • Contaminated drinking water often has toxic elements such as chlorine, aluminum, fluoride and more that can displace minerals.

Through HTMA, you can identify, correct, and reverse imbalances and target your supplementation and lifestyle to:

  • Optimize your physical and cognitive abilities
  • Determine how well your cells are functioning and impacting your performance
  • Increase your energy
  • Create more emotional stability
  • Create greater resilience to stress
  • Balance your minerals

What the hair mineral analysis tells us:

  • Overall function of thyroid and adrenal glands– whether they tend toward over-active, under-active, or balanced.
  • Toxic heavy metals that have accumulated in the tissue throwing off your body’s ability to absorb and assimilate minerals.
  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Internal stress response and inflammation
  • Mineral absorption and assimilation
  • Digestive efficiency and stress
  • Mineral ratios and what they mean

Sections of your analysis we will discuss:

  1. Nutritional Elements
  2. Toxic Elements
  3. Nutritional Ratios
  4. Toxic Ratios
Aubrey Thompson has been practicing Functional Diagnostic Nutrition for over 20 years.  She serves but is not limited to the Greater Boston area, as well as the Metro Boston region communities of Saugus, Revere, Everett, Chelsea, Winthrop, Boston, Milton, Quincy, Braintree, Hingham, and Weymouth, as well as all of New England and out of state.  She offers telehealth and in-office sessions.  Contact Us today to Get Started!

Aubrey is trained or has degrees in:

  • FDN-P (Functional Diagnostic Nutrition)
  • Fitness Institute International
    IIN – Integrative Institute of Nutrition
  • Certified Herbal Consultant / Tree of Life Institute
  • Bachelor in Science
  • Masters of Science and Holistic Nutrition
  • Healthexcel Advanced Metabolic Typing
  • HTMA level 1 – Trace Elements
  • Blood Chemistry Analysis
  • Neurogistics Brain Wellness

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