From Stress to Wellness: Knowledge is Power

All symptoms are warnings that there is a breakdown in your body. How will you choose to take control of this information and react? 

What is a Stress? 

  • A force that tends to strain or deform 
  • A physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension, and may be a factor in the cause of disease

Identifying The Stressors 

Lets talk about some different stressors in our lives. The past two or so years of unprecedented times added so much stress to our lives, on top of those everyday stressors we were already dealing with. Some possible things that might be stressing you out are: 

  • Work
  • Relationship problems
  • Physical pain
  • Lack of sleep
  • Toxic exposure
  • Chronic illness
  • Physical pain
  • Spinal problems
  • Money
  • Food allergies

These are just the obvious stressors! There are also the stressor like bacteria, parasites, and allergies that we could also unknowingly be impacted by. 

Let’s shift gears now and talk about how the body deals with stress…

We know all that certain organs and glands perform particular functions in the body.  For example, the heart pumps blood through our system, the liver acts as a filter from toxins and waste. 

Whenever your body is under stress, your adrenal glands produce a hormone called Cortisol. 

There are many different hormones in the body that work synergistically together and play a part in over-all health. In fact, we all have a Master hormone which I will refer to as P.

P is considered the master hormone because it converts to most of our other hormones.  On one hand it is converting to Cortisol, but on the other it is converting to another important hormone called DHEA. I like to refer to Cortisol as the bandit of all hormones because it STEALS from the pathway that produce many other hormones. Every time your body is exposed to that stressor, it is demanding cortisol –  it is pulling from our master hormone P to make more C and depleting D. 

The Pillars of Health & Beyond 

  • CHEMICAL – Environmental Pollutants, Toxic Food, Smoke, Heavy Metals, Drugs (pharmaceutical and recreational),  Vaccines, Infections, etc. 
  • PHYSICAL – Fractures, Muscle Injuries, Nerve Compression, etc. 
  • EMOTIONAL/MENTAL – Fear, Excitement, Worry, Anxiety, etc. 
  • SITUATIONAL – Job, Family, Location (factors not easily changed or avoided)

How We React To The Stressors 

What’s important to note is that stress is inevitable. How we REACT to the stressors is what is more important. Here are a few things to consider in regard to those reactions:

  • What We Eat: Simple Carbohydrate ingestion leads to rapid elevations in blood sugar which ultimately leads to ups & downs and irregulation of insulin and cortisol responses.” Too much sugar, processed fats, skipped meals, not enough pure water, etc. 
  • How We Digest:  Overeating, poor digestion, toxin producing bacteria, and yeasts (maldigestion) 
  • How We Assimilate: Decreased absorption, rapid transit time, inflammation, etc
  • How We Eliminate: Constipation, faulty detoxification 
  • What We Do: Occupation, exhaustion, toxic workplace
  • How We Breathe: Shallow breathing, smog, smoke
  • What We Think: How we perceive an event, rather than the even itself, is most important in generating a stress response”. Negative thoughts, attitudes, emotions 
  • What we inherit: Genetic weakness, e.g. adrenal insufficiency, headaches, allergies


  1. Knowledge – Learning about the function of your body

Now that you have more insight on the stress your body endures, we can formulate a plan for how to combat this stress. It’s important to be empowered by this new knowledge and make an action plan with me to determine next steps.

I always tell all of my clients you must become a self nurturer and have some faith and trust in your body’s own ability to heal. That’s when the magic starts!

To embark on your healing journey, visit my contact page to get started!


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