Easy Protein Lunch Ideas for Metabolic Typing

Lunch Ideas for Metabolic Protein Type Diets

The lunch ideas and recipes in this category are to stimulate ideas based primarily on a protein type food list (see my previous post on determining your Metabolic Type). Please adjust according to individual taste preferences and macronutrient needs. Suggestions and ratios may not work for everyone. Be aware of how you feel after each meal. You should have energy, minimal to no cravings, and be satisfied between meals – if you are not, then you need to adjust your ratios or food choices. Please contact me if I can help you determine your Metabolic Type.

Be creative and add foods you enjoy, staying within your macronutrient ratio. It is important to use all natural or organic foods at least 85-90% of the time.

Division of your Macros:  30% Carbohydrates + 40% Protein + 30% Fat per meal. Snacks should consist of at least a protein or fat. Macronutrient ratios may need to be adjusted for individual needs

More tips on following your menu guidelines:

  • Avoid gluten and dairy for 3 months to identify and heal from any potential allergies.
  • Alternate your foods. Vary nuts and seeds, different meats, different fruits and vegetables every week.
  • Feel free to mix up the menus as long as you are staying within your proper ratios of carbs/proteins/fats.
  • Avoid conventional animal proteins. Conventionally raised animals have been injected with growth hormones, and antibiotics, and fed an unnatural diet. Buy your meats exclusively from Whole Foods Market, or local farms.
  • Snacks can be used as part of a meal as long as a protein is chosen to go with them.
  • Avoid using the microwave, even if only to warm water.
  • Grain foods are optional and must be limited for a protein type.
  • Any fruits eaten should be “green” – not fully ripened. Fully-ripe or overripe fruits can be too high in sugar for protein types. Preferably, fruit should be eaten with some protein and/or fat like nuts or avocado.
  • Note: Portions are based on individual needs. Be sure you are eating enough food to feel satisfied but not too full.

Get your printable PDF of easy Lunch Ideas for a Protein Type here!


Easy Lunch Ideas and Recipes for Protein Type: Metabolic Type Diet

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