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January 31, 2021

What can an analysis of a hair sample tell you about your health! A lot, actually.

One of the services I provide, a hair mineral analysis can identify possible “blocking factors” that could inhibit your ability to reach your health goals.

A hair sample acts as an excellent screening tool to provide specific information about your metabolic and nutritional status. This includes the effects of diet, nutritional supplementation, stress, toxic metal exposure, and even inherited mineral patterns.

Via a hair mineral analysis, I can evaluate:

  • Digestions and assimilation of nutrients
  • Presence of gastro-intestinal dysfunction
  • Overall thyroid and adrenal function
  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Internal stress response
  • Heavy metal toxicity

Every hair mineral analysis includes a 50 minute virtual session with me to review the results and what it could mean for your health. Have more questions or interested in having a hair mineral analysis completed? Contact me.

January 10, 2021

Now more than ever it is important to take extra care of your health and ensure your immune system can protect itself from pathogens such as viruses, parasites and bacteria. Keeping your immune system healthy and strong includes:

  • getting enough sleep
  • keeping yourself hydrated
  • eating healthy and in support of your nervous system
  • managing mental and emotional stress
  • taking supplements to support and correct underlying imbalances and aid immune function

Receive my free general immune protocol that can serve to up-regulate your immune system and provide added protection from Covid-19. For more information on how to build a healthy foundation in your body, and for more individualized support, please schedule a personalized zoom session with me.


October 10, 2020

Can nutrition make you look younger? Absolutely! But how?

First, it is necessary to understand that there is more than one kind of energy in food. Aside from caloric energy, there is a vitality in good nutrition which makes a difference to your health and your looks. Take for example sprouted grains: they’re growing, and that sprouting process is an energy going through that grain– it’s a vital force. The opposite would be a highly processed shelf food, which can actually affect you negatively from a nutritional basis. It is true that you are what you eat, and by extension, in a very real sense you look how you eat. The living enzymes in certain grains have a very different effect than the alternatives. You want to be eating the best quality food possible to maximize both your body’s vitality and your body’s natural ability to heal and look more beautiful. I work with clients to on a personalized nutrition plan to identify which foods enhance their particular body’s vitality and which diminish it.

Another key to getting the most health and beauty benefit when you eat is to know where to get the right kind and amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants protect our cells from oxidation, or the breakdown of a cell. It is oxidation which is one of the key causes of aging. There are several different factors that contribute to this, including:

Oxidative Stress
Too much oxidative stress. This is caused by toxins in our environment and/or our foods. “The average American consumes over 150 pounds (the average human body weight) yearly in mostly unnecessary and possibly harmful ingredients to support a multibillion-dollar food-processing industry (Elson Haas, 1982).” Those ingredients include sprays used to fertilize fields, color dyes added to improve the look of a food, preservatives added to lengthen shelf-life, hormones and steroids used to enhance profit margins, antibiotics added to animal feed, irradiation to alter food, and genetically modified materials and cells. “In addition, there are 250,000 chemicals that make their way through our food through the production, packaging, and distribution process (Haas).” I teach women and men how to avoid many of these toxic compounds in their daily life in order to look and feel younger and protect the health of their cells.

A second major cause of oxidation is dehydration. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Water detoxifies the body by removing waste through the kidneys and intestines. Water is also critical in maintaining the shape of cells and sustaining metabolism. Even mild dehydration slows metabolism. It also slackens skin tone. Everyone’s needs are individual and depend on factors such as body weight, diet, and activity level. I teach what an individual’s particular hydration needs are and evaluate how their body is doing at flushing out toxins.

Insufficient Micronutrient Antioxidants
A third cause of accelerated oxidation in our bodies is an insufficient supply of micronutrient antioxidants. Some of these come from healthy fats, which play a key role in both health and beauty. Unfortunately, many people do not understand how to identify which fats are healthy in general and which are healthy for them in particular. Even moderate amounts of healthy fats can improve cellular metabolism. Not only that, but one of the main functions of those fats is to protect the cells, being an important component of the cellular myelin sheath which is essential in inhibiting oxidation. Consuming the right amounts and types of antioxidants directly results in anti-aging benefits. This is to say nothing of the anti-inflammatory effects. Through metabolic testing, I can help a person identify how much of each type of fat their body needs.

Those are some of the ways nutrition can translate into enhanced appearance. But what about health? And fitness? There isn’t space in this article to address all of these, but the effects of eating quality food targeted to your particular metabolic type are just as great in these areas. As I stated before, everybody – every body– is different. That is why I use metabolic typing.

What is Metabolic Typing? Metabolic typing is a nutritional technology that can rapidly identify highly-individualized dietary needs. It uses a series of tests to analyze how well your body is metabolizing nutrients and what it’s missing. Our health and our vitality can be the direct result of dietary deficiencies and imbalances. By correctly evaluating nutritional problems, we can tailor individual solutions.

Are you ready to learn more about nutrition for looking and feeling your best? I offer individual metabolic type testing, as well as nutrition coaching for wellness.

You can look and feel better by utilizing metabolic typing technology to identify your own dietary needs. You will know how to select the right body fuel including food combinations and nutrients that can enable your body to function more efficiently. This will slow down the aging process and allow you to lose weight naturally. Through learning about your unique genetic nutritional profile, you can reduce the risk of degenerative diseases. You will enhance your body’s ability to:

  • Maintain your ideal weight.
  • Optimize your physical energy and mental clarity.
  • Extract nutrients from foods.
  • Handle stress.
  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Decrease joint pain and muscle pain.
  • Look good and feel fantastic!

Have more questions? Ready to begin? Contact me to learn more.

Reference: Hass, E. (1982). Staying Healthy With Nutrition. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Co.

September 11, 2020

Finding out your blood pressure is rising can beg the question, why? When blood pressure elevates for extended periods of time, your chronic health risk rises. From vision problems and headaches to more serious complications like erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease, think of your blood pressure like a barometer.

So what can be making it rise and what do you do about it? Did you know that there is more to high blood pressure than salt intake? While your doctor may be recommending medication, you can work with your doctor and reduce your risk or need for medication by taking a few simple steps to lower your blood pressure and improve your health.

  1. Exercise does a body good! Research shows that regular exercise of 30 minutes 5 days a week will lower your blood pressure by 4 to 9 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).  Once you start, keep up the healthy habit so your pressure stays normalized and your health optimized.
  2. Eat your veggies. Did you know that green leafy veggies and most whole fresh fruits contain high amounts of potassium. This is an essential nutrient counters the effects of high sodium and help to regulate blood pressure.
  3. Lose it. Ok, lets get real- weight is nothing helpful to hold onto especially if your blood pressure is rising. Studies suggest that just by dropping 10 pounds, you can lower your blood pressure, so lace up and get up, get out and get moving.
  4. Cut out processed and fast food. If it comes in a box, bag, can or drive thru it is processed and filled with high amounts of sodium. Of course convenience is great but it does come with a cost and in this case, it is costing you your health. By reducing your intake of sodium filled foods you can reduce your blood pressure by 2-8  millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).
  5. Take it easy. What makes your blood boil? When stress strikes, your blood pressure immediately begins to rise due to the fight or flight response.  How do you gain the upper hand? Notice what is triggering you,stop, take a breath and take it easy for just 60 seconds so you can regain control, regulate your blood pressure and reinvigorate your health.

This is just a jump off point to get your health moving in the right direction. Nutrients, supplements, additional lifestyle changes and more may be needed depending on the severity of your problem.  If you want to be sure, we suggest you test your nutrient levels for the exact right levels of support for you.