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April 12, 2021

“The emotional trauma of stress is known to affect the  expression of over one thousand genes, including many that  influence aging and cell regeneration.”  – Dawson Church

When you experience a negative emotion anger, worry or fear, your adrenaline pumps, your muscles tense, and your blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar all rise to give you extra energy to be ready to fight or flee. Unfortunately, in today’s world, the brain interprets the stress of being late for work, arguing with a spouse, or worrying about finances as  a full blown fight-or-flight occurrences. Daily life is filled with these small fight-or-flight experiences and an ongoing stress response leaves us worn down, sick, upset, overweight, stressed out, and generally unhappy with our life situations.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an amazingly efficient technique that allows you to halt the fight-or-flight response and reprogram the brain and body to act, and react differently. EFT uses fingertip tapping on meridian points, or energy hotspots. EFT is so effective at calming the nervous system that MRI’s and PET scans can actually record the “red alert” being called off in the brain during the EFT process. By retraining your brain with this technique, you are able to permanently alter conditioned fear pathways. You can develop new ways of thinking and perceiving the world and release debilitating fears, thoughts and memories.

If altering the limiting pathways in your brain or changing your biology isn’t enough of a motivation to get you to try EFT, consider the negative effects of frequent stress responses on your health. If not cleared through EFT or another technique, the emotions connected to disturbing events, experiences, or thoughts will continue to trigger the stress response in your brain, perhaps many times a day, potentially leading to serious physical issues.

I guide clients through EFT practices in order to relieve stress so that they can live a life they love! Get in touch if I can help you.

March 28, 2021

Snacking has gotten a negative rap, but if done correctly, it can be a very important and beneficial part of your diet. Having a healthy snack in between your meals can help provide your body the nutrients that you’re missing or not getting enough of. They also can help keep you from getting so hungry that you over-eat at meal times. Snacks are very important for individuals who are unable to eat meals on a regular schedule. If you need help, or support from a nutritional and wellness consultant, please contact me anytime! I’m located in the Greater Boston area, but I can consult clients virtually from anywhere. 

Tips for healthy snacking:

  • When choosing a snack, think about what food groups you may not be getting enough of. For example, if you haven’t had fruit yet that day, have one of the snacks listed below that contains fruits.
  • Also consider what you may be getting too much of. If you’re meeting your macronutrient goals from eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, snacking may not be necessary or beneficial.
  • Preparing snacks in advance, when possible, may be helpful in sticking to your healthy choices.

Eat what feels right to you and enjoy!

Living Balance Wellness Healthy Snacks

Snack Ingredients Recipe
Antioxidant & Omega Fat Fruit Snack
  • ½  avocado (finely chopped)
  • 1/2 c blueberries, raspberries and/or blackberries
  • 1 tbsp hemp Seeds
  • 1 tbsp flaxseed (finely ground)
  • 1 tbsp raw cacao powder or nibs
  • 1 tsp Manuka honey drizzled over top (optional)
Place avocado in a large bowl and layer fruit on top.

Sprinkle with hemp seed, flaxseed, and cocoa powder. Drizzle with honey.

  • Applesauce (with no sugar added)
  • Chia seeds
  • Coconut flakes
Combine unsweetened applesauce, chia seeds, and coconut flakes and enjoy.
Avocado Apple Snack
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/2 crisp green apple
  • Sprinkle of goat cheese or feta (Optional)
Combine chopped avocado and apple.

Sprinkle goat cheese over top (optional)

Beef Jerky & Veg
  • Beef jerky
  • Celery/carrot sticks.
Pair beef jerky with celery and/or carrot sticks.
Dates & Butter
  • Dried dates
  • Nut butter
  • Crushed pistachio (optional)
Stuff dates with a nut butter such as almond butter or sesame butter (tahini) for a sweet and satisfying snack. Top with crushed pistachio (optional).
Fruit & Avocado
  • Apple and/or pear
  • Avocado
Dice the apple/pear and avocado and toss together in a bowl.  Add Celtic salt if desired. 
Fruits & Nuts
  • Variety of fresh fruit
  • Variety of nuts
Combine a single serving of fresh (preferably organic) fruits and nuts and enjoy.
Pineapple & Macadamia
  • Pineapple, fresh or frozen
  • Macadamia nuts or nut butter
Chop pineapple and combine with macadamia nuts or dip in macadamia nut butter. 
Crackers & Tahini
  • Rice crackers
  • Raw cucumber
  • Sesame butter (tahini)
Slice cucumber. Spread tahini over rice cracker and top with a slice of cucumber.
Trail Mix
  • Coconut flakes
  • Pecans, almonds, and/or cashews
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Dried apples or banana chips
  • Dried mulberries (optional)
Mix ingredients & enjoy.
Veggie Sticks
  • Carrot sticks
  • Celery Sticks
  • Hummus (olive oil based), almond or sesame butter (tahini), or raw nuts and seeds
Dip carrots and celery with either hummus, nut butter, or just pair with raw nuts and seeds.
Nut Milk Yogurt & Fruit
  • Almond, coconut or cashew yogurt
  • Fresh or frozen berries
Top yogurt with a handful of berries.

January 10, 2021

Now more than ever it is important to take extra care of your health and ensure your immune system can protect itself from pathogens such as viruses, parasites and bacteria. Keeping your immune system healthy and strong includes:

  • getting enough sleep
  • keeping yourself hydrated
  • eating healthy and in support of your nervous system
  • managing mental and emotional stress
  • taking supplements to support and correct underlying imbalances and aid immune function

Receive my free general immune protocol that can serve to up-regulate your immune system and provide added protection from Covid-19. For more information on how to build a healthy foundation in your body, and for more individualized support, please schedule a personalized zoom session with me.


September 11, 2020

Finding out your blood pressure is rising can beg the question, why? When blood pressure elevates for extended periods of time, your chronic health risk rises. From vision problems and headaches to more serious complications like erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease, think of your blood pressure like a barometer.

So what can be making it rise and what do you do about it? Did you know that there is more to high blood pressure than salt intake? While your doctor may be recommending medication, you can work with your doctor and reduce your risk or need for medication by taking a few simple steps to lower your blood pressure and improve your health.

  1. Exercise does a body good! Research shows that regular exercise of 30 minutes 5 days a week will lower your blood pressure by 4 to 9 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).  Once you start, keep up the healthy habit so your pressure stays normalized and your health optimized.
  2. Eat your veggies. Did you know that green leafy veggies and most whole fresh fruits contain high amounts of potassium. This is an essential nutrient counters the effects of high sodium and help to regulate blood pressure.
  3. Lose it. Ok, lets get real- weight is nothing helpful to hold onto especially if your blood pressure is rising. Studies suggest that just by dropping 10 pounds, you can lower your blood pressure, so lace up and get up, get out and get moving.
  4. Cut out processed and fast food. If it comes in a box, bag, can or drive thru it is processed and filled with high amounts of sodium. Of course convenience is great but it does come with a cost and in this case, it is costing you your health. By reducing your intake of sodium filled foods you can reduce your blood pressure by 2-8  millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).
  5. Take it easy. What makes your blood boil? When stress strikes, your blood pressure immediately begins to rise due to the fight or flight response.  How do you gain the upper hand? Notice what is triggering you,stop, take a breath and take it easy for just 60 seconds so you can regain control, regulate your blood pressure and reinvigorate your health.

This is just a jump off point to get your health moving in the right direction. Nutrients, supplements, additional lifestyle changes and more may be needed depending on the severity of your problem.  If you want to be sure, we suggest you test your nutrient levels for the exact right levels of support for you.

August 27, 2020

Fitness is your fast path to increased energy, confidence and wellbeing. It should in no way be a scary or chilling topic, yet so many people treat it like a chore that should be avoided at all costs. Well not me, and not you, especially when I share the following tips with you to help make fitness fun.

My Goal Is…

One of the hardest parts about even starting a pathway to fitness is understanding and defining goals. It’s all well and good to WANT to get into shape and feel a little better, but what does that actually mean? Goals relating back to fitness need to be measurable like “I want to walk at least 3 miles this week”. This also keeps your goals in the realm of the physical. Keep goals realistic as well. If you have never run before, don’t start day 1 by running a 5k – you are setting yourself up for failure (and a lot of soreness).

Log It Out

When you come up those physical feats you want to accomplish, it’s time to get that all out of your head and onto paper. Starting a fitness log is the answer. It’s a vessel for pulling all your goals out and into one place. As you jot down your goals, you also get to record your progress, logging your exercise throughout the week. The best part about a log? It keeps you accountable. You get to see a daily reminder of the progress you plan to make while learning about yourself and how much exercise you’re comfortable with taking on throughout the week. You learn with a log, it’s crazy!

It’s Your Path- Enjoy It!

We’re all on a path to bettering ourselves. That’s truly what getting fit is all about. This month and beyond, think about what it means to be “heart healthy” and go to work. Embrace the challenges of life and get pumped about the endless possibilities that come with taking that first step to a better YOU.

August 20, 2020

It’s time to take back what’s yours. What am I talking about? Your goals, your choices, and your life. They all belong to you, but somewhere along the way, did it feel like those were snatched up and are now out of your control? In the spirit of improving heart health, this way of living won’t do.

Well that’s all over. The key to fulfilling your truest self is to taking all of that back. Sound too good to be true? Not today it’s not! This week is all about shifting your mindset, digging deep, and finding that inner drive to make some major changes.

Switch The Focus

Many times, we allow ourselves to only see what ISN’T going right. It’s easy to find what’s wrong, but it also brings about feelings of negativity and blame. Rather than let all of that bad ju-ju take over, consider shifting your focus on the situation. Instead of looking at what’s bad, think of how you can improve it. This puts the power right back in your hands.

Change Your Conditions

Ask yourself this: are you settling? It’s a big one, I know, but as time goes on in our lives, we tend to grow too comfortable to the way “things are going”. But guess what? You have the power to rise above! Think of those factors you are just content with. One of my golden rules: never settle. If you even get an inkling that you’re settling, in any aspect of your life, maybe it’s time to step it up!

Let’s Get Realistic

So you’ve switched up your focus and reconsidered your conditions. Now it’s time to pose a final question when making those life choices. Can something truly be done? Is it within your power to change? This is the time to acknowledge the power you have to influence real change. If so, then get to it!

No better time like the present to start changing what you can. And if you can’t, the work begins on learning to accept that. Being realistic with yourself is pivotal in taking back your power. So step back and remember you are in charge of your choices. There is no greater feeling when you can look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I’ve got this”.

So here is to you going out and making this your best day, week, month and year yet.

August 13, 2020

Ever feel like you’re caught in a rut? Like you’ve been floating through life, pretty content, but wishing you somehow felt you could be doing just a little better? As the amazing, beautiful soul that you are, you’re always looking for ways to improve!

They may sound minor, but these little shifts have a major impact in your daily conquering of the world.

Got Water?

What?! That seems way too easy. But just drinking the proper amount of water yields amazing results. The magic number that is personalized to you is to drink half of your body weight in ounces a day. For example if you weigh 160 lbs, you would drink 80 ounces a day. Spread it out over the day to ensure maximum benefits.

Flushing out toxins, improved skin and complexion, regularity, promoted weight loss, boosted immune system – that’s what’s waiting for you when you grab that clear refreshing goodness! Just keep in mind that most times, we drink water only when we’re thirsty, but by this time our body is already lacking the proper amount of H2O.

Thirsty? Time for water. Not thirsty? Yep, time for water.

Adding Habits to Your Habitat

Pick something fresh and foreign to you that you’ve always wanted to try. It could be learning a new skill, kicking a bad habit, or focusing on a different health goal, but starting something brand new in your life revitalizes the day-to-day. It also gives you things to look forward to each day. The work day can be a long one, but getting back to that painting you’re working on or baking those Stevia stuffed cookies when you get home stirs some inner excitement. Really, who can resist those warm, decadent cookies?

Grow Your Relationships

It can be as small as telling someone you love them today. Or even a hug. Or maybe making plans with an old friend to grab some brunch and get up!

Creating meaningful relationships and truly fostering those says a lot about how you choose to take on the world. The value of having loved ones you can rely on nurtures a sense of feeling needed. Many find comfort and meaning to their lives when surrounded by thriving relationships. It’s what brings us all together and it’s such a simple thing to do!

Nutrient Nut

For most of us, we’re pretty conscious of what we’re eating on the daily (calorie counting for the win!) but the biggest little shift you can do? More nutrients, baby! All the greens you can possibly eat and everything with the peel left on is a great place to start! The best way to get that extra zap of nutritional gain is to go for the added fruits and veggies. Easy “peas”y!

It’s crazy to think it’s the little things go such a long way. It gives us that feeling of accomplishment we’re all pining for. You and your health come first and remembering that through quality care brings only the best you deserve.

Here’s to you optimizing your health, and happiness.