Have you ever wondered if nutritional supplements could benefit your lifestyle?
In order for your body to function properly, it needs to maintain certain amounts and balances of nutrients. We all have the opportunity to nourish our bodies, but if you fail to supply it with nutrients, you are not going to be able to live your life efficiently. Studies show that over the last 100 years, degenerative diseases have skyrocketed, proving this country’s lack of optimal nutritional requirements. On the other hand, if you provide yourself with nutrients you have the ability to stay health, trim, and energetic for life.
To my clients that are skeptical about taking Metabolic Typing® supplements, I often suggest a trial run. I recommend taking the supplements I provide you for 2 months, then stopping completely to compare the way you feel while on them and not.
1.) Quality of Food
Unfortunately, the food available in today’s market does not provide the proper nutrients to maintain good health. Methods of storing, processing and preserving often severely devitalize foods nutritional value. In addition, many of the modern techniques used to grow food faster, larger and on nutritionally depleted soils have destroyed the original, natural quality of our food supply.
But even more alarming is the fact that science has found that the nutrient content of even organic foods is dramatically less than it used to be. Therefore, Nutritional supplements supply a concentrated form of nutrients which can easily compensate for this lack of nutrients.
2.) Time
I teach my clients the difference between just getting enough nutrition to keep you going and in getting optimal nutrition for your Metabolic Type® on a daily basis. Many people have busy schedules which, they feel, make it impossible to eat whole, natural food. Nutritional supplements
can fill in the gap where proper eating habits fall
3.) Modern Lifestyle
Due to our modern lifestyles, we experience additional stress levels at home and at work than we did in past times. We are exposed to an incredible amount of toxic burdens in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. These factors dramatically increase the body’s requirements for nutrients. Our modern environment itself poses a challenge to our health with industrial air pollution, 10,000 chemicals in our food supply, sick-building syndrome, holes in the ozone layer, chemically-treated drinking water, and so on. All of these issues place an increased demand for nutrients on your
metabolism that may only be met through nutritional supplementation.
4.) Genetic Variations
The genetic requirement for nutrients varies tremendously between people. There can be a 2, 5 or even 10 fold difference in the need for certain nutrients. To meet this wide variation through just food could be quite difficult. The technology of The Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing® provides the ability to supply each individual with his or her unique biochemical requirements — namely, nutrients of the right kind, in the right amount, at the right time and place in the body, and in a form which is readily utilizable for any given Metabolic Type. Therefore, I provide nutritional supplementation for every individual genetic requirements.
5.) Deficiencies
If you are not taking care of yourself, there is a good chance your body will be experiencing certain deficiencies, including the ability to digest and assimilate your food. The combination of not fully digested food, along with the lack of nutritional food, means you might make a great candidate for these supplements.
6.) Strengthening
We use nutritional supplements to target weak areas, as well as to support the rebuilding processes by supplying required raw materials. For example, if you have digestive weaknesses or allergic reactions to foods, (a very common occurrence), nutritional supplements can build digestive strength, while at the same time allowing you to readily and easily acquire nutrients which you may otherwise have difficulty in getting due to poor digestion and assimilation.
7.) Eating Less
Nutritional supplements can provide an excellent means of making sure that you get enough nutrients on a regular basis without having to burden your system with eating large amounts of food. The
digestion of food in high quantities requires far more energy than the digestion of a few nutritional supplements. In addition, supplements are an ideal way for you to get certain necessary nutrients from foods which you might find objectionable in taste, such as liver or bee pollen.
8.) Customize Your Nutrition
Lastly, nutritional supplements allow for your body to design multi-vitamin / mineral formulas that address the needs of the specific Metabolic Types, correcting imbalances in all the Fundamental Homeostatic Controls unique to each person.