Hormone Panel

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? You may be experiencing hormonal imbalances

Numerous health complaints can be relieved, if not resolved, through hormone testing followed by lifestyle changes that include a diet suitable to your metabolic type and supplements targeted to your individual needs. Bio-identical hormone therapy may also be helpful at certain stages of your life. 

To learn the approach that is right for you, get your hormone health thoroughly evaluated.  This female hormone test is a simple blood test that can be collected at a lab convenient to you. You can either go through Living Balance Wellness to order your lab, or take the codes and test names listed below to your doctor to see if it can be duplicated and ordered under your insurance.  To order the lab through Living Balance Wellness, the lab cost is $389 and the session fee is $259

This panel will assess your hormone balance, overall health, and healthy aging by measuring specific hormone levels and other markers that can be indicators of hormone imbalance. The particular areas addressed in this panel include the estrogens, testosterone, progesterone, 17-hydroxy-pregnenolone, pregnenolone, androstenedione, prolactin, insulin-like growth factor 1, thyroid hormones, sex hormone-binding globulin, adrenal gland biomarkers DHEA and cortisol, FSH, and LH, markers of glucose regulation and fundamental blood test markers such as the CBC differential, comprehensive metabolic panel, iron panel, lipid panel, magnesium and vitamin D.

Understanding Your Hormones and Their Role in Your Body

Estradiol – The primary female sex hormone responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle, skin elasticity, bone strength, and health of both the bladder and vagina.

Estrone – The primary estrogen in postmenopausal women and directly converted from androstenedione or other androgens.

Progesterone – essential for balancing the powerful effects of estrogen. An imbalance of theses two hormones is linked to weight gain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, migraine, cancer, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and osteoporosis. Also responsible for preparing the body for pregnance.

Pregnenolone – A precursor to all steroid hormones including cortisol, and reproductive hormones. The formation of pregnenolone comes from cholesterol.

Androstenedione – can be converted to testosterone and estrogens and is the principal steroid produced by the postmenopausal ovary.

Insulin-like growth factor 1 is a hormone that helps promote normal tissue growth. Deficiency can lead to lower bone and muscle mass.

Cortisol – produced by the adrenal glands, are interconnected to DHEA. DHEA is a precursor to testosterone and estrogens and affects the concentration of these hormones.

Free and weakly bound testosterone reflects an individuals biologically active circulating testosterone.   Decreased levels have been associated with diminished libido and loss of bone density. Testosterone in conjuction with estrogen is crucial in minimizing hot flashes, sleep disturbances, night sweats and vaginal dryness.

Pituitary Gland – synthesizes both the follicle-stimulating hormone FSH and luteinizing hormone LH. A balance of these hormones are important for menstrual ease, fertility, and avoiding amenorrhea.

The liver produces sex hormone-binding globulin SHBG, which transports testosterone, DHEA, and estradiol in the blood as biologically inactive forms to be used by the body’s tissues.

Thyroid is responsible for regulating hormone balance and works complimentary with the adrenal glands. Thyroid disease is the second most common endocrine disorder affecting women of reproductive age.

Fasting Glucose – provides information about glucose metabolism. Blood glucose dysreulation is related to metabolic syndrome, obesity, inflammation, oxidative stress and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel CMP (14 tests) –provides a glimpse into the body’s health, metabolism and chemical balance. It can also help determine liver and kidney function

The list below provides you with the codes and test names of everything in this test.  Living Balance Wellness will help you decipher the results and put you on an individual plan to balance your hormone health and become bullet- proof!

140715 – 17 Hydroxypregnenolone, LC/MS-MS

004705 – Androstendedione, LC/MS

001222 – Billrubin, Direct

005009 – Complete Blood Count 9CBC with Differential

322000 – Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP-14)

104018 – Cortisol AM

120766 – DHEA-S (Dehdroepiandrosteron Sulfate

004515 – Estradial(E2)

004614 – Estriol (E3)

004564 – Estrone (E1)

324741 – Ferritin + Iron + Total Iron-binding Capacity (TIBC)

028480 – Foolicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH) & Luteinizing (LH)

001958 – Gamma-Glutamyl Transerase (GGT)

102525 – Hemoglogin (Hb) A1c with eAG

706994 – Homocysteine

00433 – Insulin

010363 – Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1)

001115 – Lactic Acid Dehydrogenase (LD/LDH)

004580 – Lipid Panel+VLDL+TC/HCL Ratio+LDL/HDL Ratio+CHD Risk

080283 – Magneisum, RBC

001024 – Phosphorus

140707 – Pregnenolone, LC/MS-MS

004316 – Progesterone

004465 – Prolactin

070104 – Reverse T3

082016 – Sex Hormone-binding Globulin (SHBG)

070282 – Testosterone, Free&Weakly Bound, w/Total Testosterone LC/MS

027011 – Thyroid Profile II, Comprehensive, Tri-iodothyroinine

001974 – Thyroxine (T4), Free, Direct

010389 Triiodothyronine (T3) Free

001057 – Uric Acid

081950 – Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy

Aubrey Thompson has been practicing Functional Diagnostic Nutrition for over 20 years.  She serves but is not limited to the Greater Boston area, as well as the Metro Boston region communities of Saugus, Revere, Everett, Chelsea, Winthrop, Boston, Milton, Quincy, Braintree, Hingham, and Weymouth, as well as all of New England and out of state.  She offers telehealth and in-office sessions.  Contact us today to get started!   

Aubrey is trained or has degrees in:

  • FDN-P (Functional Diagnostic Nutrition)
  • Fitness Institute International
    IIN – Integrative Institute of Nutrition
  • Certified Herbal Consultant / Tree of Life Institute
  • Bachelor in Science
  • Masters of Science and Holistic Nutrition
  • Healthexcel Advanced Metabolic Typing
  • HTMA level 1 – Trace Elements
  • Blood Chemistry Analysis
  • Neurogistics Brain Wellness

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