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General Protocol:
- Echinacea Premium – 2 morning / 1 evening
- Cataplex C – 3 morning / 3 evening
- Congaplex – 2 morning / 2 evening
- Gandoderma Shitake – 1 morning / 1 evening
For specific doses & products, call or email Aubrey.
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At first signs of symptoms:
- Hot Tea with 1Tbs Manuka Honey and a sprinkle of Cayenne Pepper. Drink 1c. 3x per day for 3 days. Only necessary to use once symptoms are present – not as prevention. **These can both be found on Amazon or local health food store.
- Cataplex C – 12 per day, (4 per meal), for 10 days then 3 morning / 3 evening as maintenance.
- Echinacea Premium – 4 per day, (2 morning / 2 evening), for 10 days then back to 3 per day as maintenance.
- Congaplex – 3 or 4 per hour for the first 3 days then 12 per day, (4 with each meal) until symptoms pass.
- At night if you need additional support, whiskey can be used as an anti-viral, as well as sleep aid and to calm any cough. ½ Ounce before bed for the first 3 nights. Continue only if needed to reduce cough and build-up of mucus.
- Mucinex can be used as an over-the-counter aid to help thin and excrete mucus.
For more individualized support, please contact me.